Apr 5, 2012

Bubbles Raising Raisins (Lesson Plan)

This lesson plan primarily focuses on the topic - physical science.  This fun and exciting activity will engage your students and make them stare in wonder and amazement.  In this lesson, they will use their sense of sight and observe bubbles raising raisins. Furthermore, this is a good lesson because students are required to use critical thinking skills to observe and figure out why this happens.

Student Learning Map
Name: Kimberly Ritchey                                       Date: 3/21/2012
Course/Subject:  Science                                     Team:
Topic: Physical Science                                         School/District:

Key Learning: (this is linked to the Unit Essential Question)
Learning through observation.

Unit Essential Question: (the Unit EQ)
Why is it important for us to use our sense of sight in science?


Lesson Essential Questions:

How does sight enable us to be scientists?

Lesson Essential Questions:
Lesson Essential Questions:



Additional Information/Resources: If this was a lesson in my classroom, I would read the following book: Wallop and Whizz and the Bottle of Fizz by Philip Hawthorn.

Acquisition Lesson Plan
Plan for the concept, topic, or skill-not for the day
Name: ____Kimberly Ritchey___                     Topic:    Physical Science  
Essential Question:
How does sight enable us to be scientists?

What do students need to learn to be able to answer the Essential Question?
Assessment Prompt:   Stop and Share.

Assessment Prompt:   Drop raisins into soda – observe.

Assessment Prompt:   Ask - “What is happening?”

Activating Strategy:  Excitingly share that they’re going to be scientists and will be doing an experiment today. 
Key vocabulary to preview:  Observation/Observe

Teaching Strategies:

Graphic Organizer:  N/A

Instruction:  Start by pouring some cold, clear, and bubbly soda into a cup until the glass is about three-quarters full.  (Use plastic cups for safety reasons.)

AP#1:  Stop and have the children share what they see or observe.  Use questions to guide the children. (e.g. “What are those things going up in the soda?”)

AP #2:  Have several children drop three to five raisins into the soda and watch for some surprises. J

AP #3:  Ask “What is happening to the raisins?” and “I wonder what’s making the raisins go up and down.”

Assignment:  Encourage the children to do this experiment with an adult or sibling or friend at home (if possible).  Have them explain to the other person why the raisins keep rising and falling.  Have them try different objects (besides raisins) and see what happens.  What do they observe?

Summarizing Strategy: 

·        Closure – together as a whole group talk about why the raisins kept rising and falling. 
·        Have the children then share with a partner their response to the EQ: How does sight enable us to be scientists?
·        Discuss their answers as a whole group.
·        Assign the homework assignment (above).

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