Apr 9, 2012

Looking At Me (Lesson Plan)

This lesson plan primarily focuses on the topic - senses. Children learn that by using their senses (specifically sight), they can learn a lot about themselves, others, and the world around them. This noteworthy lesson will help improve children's science process skills - observing, classifying, and experimenting.

Student Learning Map

Name: Kimberly Ritchey                                                               Date: 2/1/2012
Course/Subject: Science                                                              Team:
Topic: Senses                                                                                   School/District:
Key Learning: (this is linked to the Unit Essential Question)
Learning through the 5 senses.

Unit Essential Question: (the Unit EQ)
Why is it important for us to use our sense of sight in science?


Lesson Essential Questions:

How does sight enable us to be scientists?

Lesson Essential Questions:
Lesson Essential Questions:


Hand lenses

Additional Information/Resources: If this was a lesson in my classroom, I would read a book. (e.g. We’re Different, We’re the Same by Bobbi Kates.)

Acquisition Lesson Plan
Plan for the concept, topic, or skill-not for the day

Name: ____Kimberly Ritchey___ Topic: Senses

Essential Question:
How does sight enable us to be scientists?
What do students need to learn to be able to answer the Essential Question?
Assessment Prompt: Stop and Share.

Assessment Prompt: Look at a friend.

Assessment Prompt: Same? Different?
Activating Strategy: Excitingly share that they’re going to be scientists and will be using a special scientific tool – a hand lens.
Key vocabulary to preview:
Hand lenses (for young children or ELLs)
Teaching Strategies:

Graphic Organizer: N/A
Instruction: Give each child a hand lens. Ask the children to look at their hands through the lenses. Give them time to explore. Follow the children’s leads – encouraging them to describe what they see.

AP#1: Stop and have children share what they observed. Use questions to guide the children.

AP #2: Encourage the children to look at a friend’s or your skin or clothes.

AP #3: Ask “What do you see that is the same?” Ask “What do you see that is different?”

Assignment: For homework, ask the children to find a family member or a friend. Instruct them to put their hand and their family member’s or friend’s hand side by side. Have them observe the two. Tell them that tomorrow we’ll talk about what they saw. (e.g. Similarities and differences between the color, size, shape, and texture.)
Summarizing Strategy:

Have the children share with a partner their response to the EQ: How does sight enable us to be scientists?
Discuss their answer as a whole group.
Assign the homework assignment (above).

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